Thursday, 19 February 2015

Negative People...

I have to deal with negative people at some point in my lives. Encounters with such people are stressful and emotionally draining and most of the times, lives me feeling very unhappy...

It can be really tough. Tough because I may not find it easy to remain loving and compassionate towards them, without being dragged into their negativity. Sadly, there comes a time when I have to detach from them. This is especially true when I feel emotionally drained and all my efforts to change them have backfired. It may seem selfish at first but I'm responsible for my own happiness...

Wednesday, 18 February 2015

Aku Jenis Yang Tak Suka...

Aku ni jenis yang tak suka nak kongsi masalah aku dengan orang lain. Bila aku rasa otak aku dah 'padat' sangat, baru aku akan share masalah dengan kawan2. Biasanya aku akan kumpul masalah tu dalam otak aku, fikir sampai nak pecah kepala. Maybe tu yang boleh timbul aku stress, sebab aku banyak berfikir. And yes! Aku kalau ada masalah, aku suka berfikir atau mengkaji masalah tu...

Tuesday, 17 February 2015

Risau Dan Runsing...

Sepanjang hari ini, aku risau dan runsing memikirkan keadaan seseorang. Aku bimbangkan akn dirinya. Ada sedikit perasaan tertekan. Tertekan memikirkan apa yg harus aku lakukan utk menjernihkan keadaan. Sama ada aku perlu masuk campur atau diamkan saja. Namun apa yg harus aku lakukan dan bagaimana melakukannya masih merupakan sebuah tanda tanya besar...

Apabila berada di dlm keadaan situasi sprt ini, aku hanya memikirkan perkara yg negatif yg akn berlaku. Dia sudah cukup dewasa utk berfikir, mana satu yg betul dan mana satu yg salah. Sepatutnya dia tau bkn begini cara yg betul jika ada sbrg masalah. Aku tak sanggup tgk dia terus lalai dgn apa yg dia buat...

Aku hanya mampu berdoa dan terus berdoa supaya Allah membimbing dia ke arah yg diredhai. Kadang2 aku sendiri tak faham, knpa mesti rosakkan diri sendiri sdg kan ramai yg sygkan dia. Mungkin dia je yg perasan org sekeliling dia tak pedulikan ttg dia tp hakikatnya, setiap detik org risaukan dia. Setiap saat org mendoakan apa yg terbaik utk dia. Tp knp susah utk dia faham erti syg...

Aku tau, mungkin dia kecewa dgn hidup dia tp bila diri sendiri tak kuat, mudah je terjerumus dgn perkara yg negatif. Mmg aku akui, aku tak pandai nak tunjukkan rasa syg aku kat dia tp hakikatnya aku syg sgt kat dia. Bila aku dpt tau yg dia dah musnahkan hidup dan masa dpn dia, aku rasa kecewa yg teramat sgt...

Aku yakin 1 hari nanti dia akn ttp berubah. Apa yg penting, aku tak boleh putus asa dari terus berdoa kpd Allah supaya dia kembali ke jln yg benar sbb aku yakin Allah lah yg  berkuasa ke atas segala2nya. Walau apa pun yg terjadi, aku sendiri harus kuat hadapi semua ni...

Ya Allah, lembutkan lah hati dia dan selamatkanlah dia agar tdk terjerumus ke dlm lembah kehancuran... Ameen.

Monday, 16 February 2015

My Hands Are Tied...

My hands are tied. Just received a really bad news but I am powerless to do anything. I feel hopeless. I feel weak. I cannot change it, it is what it is. There's nothing I can do to make things better. I did try. I did the best I could to make the best of the situation. I did it all. I was dealt a shitty set of cards and now I just found out how shitty my cards really are and still I can't do anything. It's the same old statement...

Allah knows better where I may not know. Allah has the best planned. What I can try to do now is to look for options. What choice do I have? Not much it seems. The best I can see now is to stay positive, be patient & pray a lot. That's the only choice I have left. I know that tough things are ahead of me. The cards have been dealt but the end result is yet to be written. My job now is to make the best out of what I've been given. I promise I will not despair on what has been but to focus on what I can do to improve on everything, anything. Being positive is the only option I have left...

Sunday, 15 February 2015

Kadang Aku Rasa...

Kadang aku rasa seperti aku adalah seorang psikiatris atau shrink untuk diri sendiri yang bermonolog dalaman to make me feel better...

Do You Ever Feel...

Do you ever feel like you have those times in your life where you've been tracking everything you eat, making sure you're getting in all the good nutrition, lots of exercise. You can feel and almost see your stomach shrinking...

And step on the scale. NOTHING!

Tuesday, 10 February 2015

Oh Yes!! It's Over...

I feel glad because something unpleasant has stopped. I feel as though the pressure is off. I'm sick and tired of acting like I'm fine. I realized that I was actually very tired of the mess I didn't even start. It may not be a physical hurt but an emotional one. If I could only say what I feel, maybe it would lessen the heaviness in my heart. She consistently makes me feel like I'm not worth anything. She doesn't realize how horrible she makes me feel... 

I don't know if I'm just being sensitive. I didn’t stand up for myself until I realized that my self-esteem depended on me and not on her. She might have broken it but it was up to me to fix it. I don’t try to prove my worth anymore. I don’t have to, because I know my worth. I am simply deciding that I MATTER and I am not going to put up with the way that she treat me anymore. No matter how hard or strong I claim to be, the actions of others can sometimes hurt me... 

I may try to tough it out and will pretend the words of others don’t effect me but the truth of the matter is, sometimes I do!! But it’s over now. A burden has been lifted off my shoulders. I feel relieved. I pray Allah give me renewed strength to carry on with my journey...

Sunday, 8 February 2015

24/7 Sakit...

Fikiran kacau, terlalu banyak sampah remeh temeh yang bermain dalam kotak fikiran. Banyak masalah ke? Takda masalah pun, kecuali risau akan kaki aku yg 24/7 sakit. Bila agak nya kaki aku nak baik. Bila kaki dah sakit ni, baru sedar kepentingan kaki. Aku mohon sangat2 agar Allah hilangkan segala kesakitan yg ku alami ini serta kembalikan aku kepada kesehatan dan kesembuhan...

Saturday, 7 February 2015

I Love Blogging...

I just feel like writing and pouring my heart out here about what I feel, how's my day going and everything, so that I would feel calm later. It's funny how writing could actually gives me calmness and enjoyment. Writing here is like having a person you can talk to all the time, any time and they listen unfailingly. There are things I just can't say to anyone and here I can write them. To know that those feelings are somewhere else besides my mind, makes me feel better...