Friday, 24 April 2015

I Can't Sleep. Worry Too Much...

Having surgery today in the afternoon. Can't sleep. I'm scheduled for a plantar fascia topaz surgery. I will be doing my left foot first. As for my right foot for time being, it will be eswt and prp injection. I am really nervous & I'm crazy scared. I have no idea about what kind of pain to expect afterwards. I'm going to be totally off of my left foot for at least 1month+...

The truth is, I had been suffering from foot pain for 2 years (but it is still manageable) until about 3 months ago, I realised it was pf. The pain getting worse and worse and it progressed to a point were I couldn't walk around longer than 20-30 min. I was in some serious pain and it's affecting my back as well. I had to do something and decided to have the pf surgery. I know that it's time for me to have this surgery done...

I know it's normal to be nervous the night before surgery but I kind of feel like a big baby. I pray everything goes well and smoothly during the surgery. I just hope it was all worth it in the end...

Saturday, 4 April 2015

Bila Kebosanan Melanda...

Kebosanan melanda diriku. kebosanan aku rasanya sampai tahap infinity. Tak tau nak buat apa. Tengok tv pun rasa bosan. Nak buat kerja rumah pun takde mood. Nak keluar jadi malas sebab kaki sakit. Well, itu salah satu menambah boring aku ni sebab aku tak boleh berjalan banyak. Hmm...ujian Allah. Tatkala kebosanan melanda, ni la yang aku buat, tidur, makan, online, tu je la aktiviti aku sepanjang hari. Pemalas kan aku? Haha... Lantak laa, mmg malas pun...=p

Friday, 3 April 2015

My Decision Is Final...

I am suffering pf with heel spurs, that wreaked havoc on my mobility. If you have or have had pf, you know how much it hurts and how incredibly inconvenient it is. Gosh! Walking used to be so easy!! My foot hurts 24 hours a day even at night. It progressed to a point where I couldn't walk around longer than 20-30 min. I was in some serious pain. I can hardly walk after sitting. No one knows what a pain it is to have this problem...

As in, surgery to remove the damaged nerve. As in, cut open your foot, hack out the nerve & sew it back up. The surgery itself was a snap outpatient, in & out in 7 hours. This freaked me out a little bit. I read a few web sites & forums from people who had had the surgery. Some with good results, some with bad results. This post in particular & its comments scared out of me...

I was worried about the recovery & long term side effects. And you know, once you cut out a nerve it's gone. It can regenerate a little bit but it's not like it's going to magically grow back & be 100%. So I was facing a difficult decision. I tried everything that the doctor prescribed but no relief. And so after a lot of consideration, I opted for surgery. And I don't regret it one bit. I'm totally fed up with pain on the heel. There's no other option but to have surgery and hope for the best. Im having the complete release of the pf (hopefully)... 

When you are feeling lost, stuck or confused. Do listen and follow your heart. No one said it’s going to be easy but I chose to follow my heart and let it fly...